Family Owned Business Local Citrus Packing House Certified Organic Options
Navel Oranges These Oranges get their name from their navel-like stem once picked. LEARN MORE Lemons Yellow when ripe, Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and are known to be sour. LEARN MORE Grapefruit Grapefruits are semi-sweet and sometimes have a slight bitter twinge. They’re a popular breakfast option. LEARN MORE Valencia Oranges These Oranges are often used for juices or other processed foods. LEARN MORE Minneola Tangelos These Tangelos have a bell-shape to differentiate themselves from other varieties. LEARN MORE Murcott Mandarins 1. Murcott Mandarins are commonly the ones you find in the average grocery store. Very sweet and fun to eat.
Satsuma Mandarins 2. VERY sweet and delicious. These Mandarins are extremely easy to peel and seedless. LEARN MORE